Belief Systems: Horse Course

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Belief Systems: Horse Course por Mind Map: Belief Systems:  Horse Course

1. I have some clients now and would like to add FB ads to the mix

2. I want an ethical business

3. Horse Destination Point

3.1. I'm the right guy to teach that

3.2. I am capable of doing that

3.3. I can get clients easily

3.4. A Facebook ads business is right for me

3.5. A Facebook ads business is ethical

3.6. I can earn a solid income from Facebook ads

3.7. $1,000 is a bargain or a great investment

4. Horse Step 2

4.1. It's easy to run Facebook ads for clients

4.2. I don't need testimonials or expensive ad budgets to get clients

4.3. I just need a few clients to make a good income

4.4. Running a FB ads business won't take up a ton of my time

4.5. I can run this business while I still have a job

4.6. Selling my services on the phone is actually pretty easy

5. Horse Step One

5.1. Most "IM" businesses rely on churn-and-burn and are not sustainable or ethical or legal

5.2. I normally charge $1,500 per month for one client

5.3. Inside the course there are free and paid client-grabbing funnels for you to use

5.4. The support group will help you with everything along the way including regular Q&A sessions

5.5. Complete sales call training is included so you can feel confident on the phone

6. Horse Starting Point

6.1. I have a day job and I hate it

6.2. I'd like to earn some money on the side

6.3. I haven't had success with (other venture) and want to try Facebook ads

6.4. I'd like to learn paid traffic for my own business

6.5. I don't like the "online" industry and needed a better way with a real business.