Cleaning - Project Life Cycle

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Cleaning - Project Life Cycle por Mind Map: Cleaning - Project  Life Cycle

1. 1. Conception & initiation

1.1. Project charter

1.2. Scope

1.2.1. Core

1.2.2. Assessments

1.2.3. Optional

1.2.4. NASBA

1.2.5. WIPRO

1.2.6. Localised

1.3. Strategy

1.4. WBS

1.5. Tasks creation

1.5.1. Attask Julia

1.6. Important questions

1.6.1. Is const/hist. info about deletions?

1.6.2. Actions with exceptions (special content) ex. TR - units ex. GS - branded courses

2. 2. Definition & planning

2.1. AICC Clients

2.2. AICC Managers

2.3. Background info

2.3.1. Data Script Tracking per release David Stricker

2.3.2. Release notes

2.3.3. Access to past documentation Julia

2.4. Initial planning

2.5. Communication with AICC Managers and their clients

2.6. Initial correspondance

2.6.1. Script - find orphan data Julian

2.7. E-mail creation

2.7.1. Alan

3. 4. Performance & control

3.1. Strategy execution

3.2. Defined tasks performance

3.3. Communication with managers and schedule execution

3.4. Statistics preparation

4. 5. Closing

4.1. Final project report

4.2. Project documents gathering

4.3. Final completion

5. 3. Launch | execution

5.1. Patcher - cleaning functionality

5.2. Batch files implementation

5.3. Scripts implementation and execution

5.4. Documentation preparation

5.5. Roles execution

5.6. Control mechanism

5.6.1. Alternative redirection for 404 error