Dell Inspiron 600m Notebook

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Dell Inspiron 600m Notebook por Mind Map: Dell Inspiron 600m Notebook

1. 1. Order Management

1.1. Shiping adress

1.2. Personal information

1.3. Credit card information

1.4. Billing adress

2. 2. Six Factories Worldwide

2.1. Ireland (1)

2.1.1. Limerick

2.2. China (1)

2.2.1. Xiamen

2.3. Brazil (1)

2.3.1. Eldorado do Sul

2.4. USA (2)

2.4.1. Austin, Texas

2.4.2. Nashville, Tenesee

2.5. Malaysia (1)

2.5.1. Penang

3. 7. Packed Laptop

3.1. Tracking code

3.2. Order number

3.3. System type

3.4. Shipping code

4. 8. Transport

4.1. Charters

4.2. China Airlines 747

4.3. 25.000 notebooks weekly

4.4. Penang - Taipei - Nashville

5. 9. Shipping

5.1. Tenured by UPS

5.2. UPS Tracking System

6. 3. Production System

6.1. Mail to 1 of the 6 factories

6.2. Provided by SLC

6.2.1. Staging amas

6.2.2. Multiple suppliers

6.2.3. Just-in-time manufactoring

6.3. Communication with SLS

6.4. Receiving the ordered parts

7. 4. Codesigned

7.1. Austin Texas Taiwan

7.1.1. Team of Dell engeneers

7.1.2. Team of Taiwanese notebook designers

8. 5. Demand Shaping

8.1. Reshape the demand of the customer

9. 6. Assemblation

9.1. The downloading of software

9.1.1. Microsoft

9.1.2. Norton Utilities

9.1.3. Other popular software applications