Research Question Use of Facebook by International Students from China in Switzerland.

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Research Question Use of Facebook by International Students from China in Switzerland. por Mind Map: Research Question Use of Facebook by International Students from China in Switzerland.

1. What is the main reason for creating a facebook account?

1.1. Do Chinese students feel pressurised to using facebook?

1.2. Do they find the platform easy to use?

1.3. To communicate with fellow students and college groups socially

1.4. To join study and assignment groups created on facebook

1.5. To stay in touch with friends and family at home

2. Many Chinese students have Wechat rather than other social media accounts before studying outside of China

3. When do Chinese students create Facebook accounts?

3.1. Before studying in Switzerland

3.2. After beginning their studies

4. How do Chinese students use facebook?

4.1. Academic activity with other students

4.2. Social engagement with other students?

4.3. Social engagement with friends and family at home?

5. How do Chinese students perceive using facebook after their studies are completed?

5.1. To keep in touch with other students and contacts made during studies

5.2. To keep in touch with all family, friends and contacts both at home and abroad