Explorers and Conquerors

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Explorers and Conquerors por Mind Map: Explorers and Conquerors

1. Christopher Columbus

1.1. Italian explorer

1.2. Monarchs of Spain

1.3. Four voyages to Americas

1.4. 1492 found Americas

2. Ferdinand Magellan

2.1. Portugeese explorer

2.2. Led Spanish Expedition

2.3. Nearly completed full circumnavigation of Earth

2.4. Discovered Magellanic Penguin

3. Henry Hudson

3.1. English sea explorer

3.2. Explored Modern day Canada

3.3. Landed in Americas in 1609

3.4. Discovered Huston Strait and Hudson Bay

4. James Cook

4.1. British Explorer

4.2. Joined British Navy

4.3. Made maps of Americas

4.4. Made maps of New Zealand and Austrailia

5. Francisco Pizaro

5.1. Spanish Conquistador

5.2. Conquered Incan Empire

5.3. Claimed the land for Spain

5.4. 1509, went to New World

6. Francis Drake

6.1. English sea captain

6.2. Completed second circumnavigation

6.3. Nicknamed "The Dragon"

6.4. Claimed modern day California