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Microsoft Word por Mind Map: Microsoft Word

1. how do i add headers and footers to a microsoft word document?

1.1. under the insert tab, click on either header or footer. you may edit or remove either a header or footer using the tools in this group

2. how to make a table in microsoft word document?

2.1. click on insert tab at the top of the page. you may drag your cursor over the grid to select number of rows and columns.

3. how to change the page layout of a microsoft word document

3.1. under the page layout tab you may choose from a variety of different options for your document

3.2. click on "page orientation" to choose from a portrait or landscape layout

3.3. click on "columns" to add one or several columns to your document

4. how do i change the line spacing in a microsoft word document?

4.1. under the home tab, click on the paragraph group and adjust the line spacing

4.2. if you are trying to adjust the spacing to single, be sure you set the "After" tool to 0 pt