Curricular Integration Models - Curriculum Integration: One School District’s Journey

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Curricular Integration Models - Curriculum Integration: One School District’s Journey por Mind Map: Curricular Integration Models - Curriculum Integration: One School District’s Journey

1. Curriculum Scan and Cluster

1.1. Teachers select the expectations from the relevant curriculum documents and cluster standards into cross-disciplinary concepts.

2. Curriculum Dissection

2.1. The groups choose one cluster of expectations. Each expectation is dissected according to the Know, Do, and Be.

3. Enduring Understanding/Big Question/Unit Questions

3.1. The big question is answered throughout the unit. The enduring understanding is the essence – what teachers want students to be able to articulate at the end of the unit.

4. Culminating Task

4.1. A meaningful culminating task is created with accompanying assessment tools aligned with standards from relevant disciplines. In this task, the students demonstrate the Know, Do, and Be.

5. Daily Learning Opportunities and Assessment Tools

5.1. Meaningful daily instructional activities accompanied by embedded assessments lead to the enduring understanding and the culminating task. Assessment for learning is stressed. This process insures accountability.

6. Bibliography

6.1. Wendy Racknor, S. D. (2011, September 23). Curriculum Integration: One School District’s Journey. Retrieved from EdCan Network : Curriculum Integration: One School District’s Journey | EdCan Network