Flair Showers

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Flair Showers por Mind Map: Flair Showers

1. Conor's ideas

1.1. Flair showers as a service (helping elderly)

1.2. Feet washing

1.3. Anti steam shower

1.4. Bluetooth (phone calls)

1.5. Couples shower

1.6. Multiple shower heads at different heights

1.7. Shower for couples

1.8. Weighing scales built into shower floor

2. Paul's Ideas

2.1. Voice activated shower

2.2. Radio/Speakers in shower

2.3. Mist shower

2.4. Sauna shower

2.5. Shower that counts how many litres have been used

3. Luke's ideas

3.1. Portable shower

3.2. TV Display

3.3. Trampoline shower

3.4. One stop for everything

3.5. Scented shower

3.6. Rent a shower

3.7. Karaoke

4. Emergency button for people concerned for safety

5. Aidan's Ideas

5.1. Program personal shower preferences

5.2. Music comes out to beat of music

5.3. Shower that displays how much water you're using

5.4. Siri for showers

5.5. Soundproof Showers

5.6. Aftershave after Shower

5.7. Spray tan shower

5.8. Toothbrush

5.9. Shampoo that comes from shower

6. Adams ideas

6.1. Shower head with LED lights changing colour depending on heat

6.2. Digital temperature changer

6.3. Mirrors inside shower

6.4. Good grip floor

6.5. Shaving in the shower

6.6. Built in timer

6.7. Calcium filter in shower head to prevent build up of limescale

6.8. Compartment to wash feet in

6.9. Air filtration system to remove steam and re use to heat the house

6.10. Shower head hairdryer

6.11. Shower head silencer

6.12. Smart shower that senses height and raises/lowers shower head depending on height

7. Tom's ideas

7.1. Shower that dies you

7.2. Sponge that attatches to shower head

7.3. Recycle water from baths and showers

7.4. Ice dispenser in bath

7.5. Thermal heated and cooled bath

7.6. TV projected in shower

7.7. Waterproof bluetooth headphones

7.8. Health check (BMI,blood pressure)

7.9. Showers and baths that use rain water collected