Case study of Elsie's Conceptions of Assessment

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Case study of Elsie's Conceptions of Assessment por Mind Map: Case study of Elsie's Conceptions of Assessment

1. WHAT: "Not just pen and paper tests"

1.1. Not about regular tests/exams

1.2. Not about CA/SA

1.3. "Mode"/"way" of checking students' learning

2. HOW: Specific classroom activities

2.1. 'Drilling' (maths)

2.2. Feedback for parents (maths)

2.3. Individual feedbacks (maths)

2.4. Adjust teaching/learning (more music)

2.5. Peer/self assessment (music)

2.6. Formative assessment?

3. WHY

3.1. Passing well for PSLE (maths)

3.2. Enjoying music

4. Sources of Conceptions

4.1. Beliefs of Teaching/Learning

4.1.1. Enjoyment

4.1.2. Differences in subjects (music vs maths)

4.1.3. Differences in abilities of students

4.2. Education system

4.2.1. PSLE

4.2.2. MOE policies

5. Problems/Issues

5.1. Too many top down policies?

5.2. Practical for teachers?

5.3. Balancing students' needs and teacher's workloads