Add & Retain high Value and High potential Value Customer

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Add & Retain high Value and High potential Value Customer por Mind Map: Add & Retain high Value and High potential Value Customer

1. Add and retain high value customer

2. Wells Fargo Case

3. Increase Revenue Per Customer

4. Fiancial Perspective

5. Customer Perspective

6. Internal

7. Increase revenue per customer

7.1. Cross-sell WF products and services

7.2. Grow revenues from non branded sources

7.3. Increase fees and balances

8. Investment into new services

8.1. Blockchain

8.2. Trading platform

9. Learning & Growth

9.1. Personalization capabilities / big data

9.2. Continuous Improvement

9.3. Sales Functionalities for Up- Crossselling

9.4. Retention / retrieval strategies for lost clients

10. Reduce Cost Per Customer

11. Grow revenue

11.1. Maximize Profit

11.1.1. Reduce cost per customer Migrate WF customers to OFS Increase online activity Increase customer base to spread fix cost

12. Personalized offers / knowing customer needs

12.1. Increase product / service offering

12.2. Sales&Marketing via various channels

12.3. Improve customer service

13. Reduce cost through efficiency gains

13.1. Regular review activities

13.1.1. Tight control of spend via KPI's / BSC

13.1.2. Eliminate Waste

13.1.3. Internal process optimization

13.2. Technology in customer service / CRM