Morpheme 13 Appreciating Lit

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1. glyc: sweet

1.1. glucose: sugar you get from foods you eat

1.2. glycemia: the presence of glucose in the blood

2. Vac: Empty

2.1. Vacation: An extended period of recreation especially one spent from home or in traveling.

2.2. Vacant: Having no fixtures, furniture, or inhabitants, empty.

2.3. Vacuum: A space entirely devoid of matter.

2.4. Evacuate:

3. Form: Shape

3.1. Uniform : Not changing in form or charater

3.2. Formation: A structure or arrangement of something

4. lys: breakdown

4.1. hemolysis: The rupture or destruction of blood cells

5. Labor: work

5.1. elaborate: involving many carefully arranged parts or details

5.2. Labored: Done with great effort and difficulty.

6. phor

6.1. to carry

6.1.1. metaphor, euphoria, dysphoria, chromatophore

7. Patho

7.1. Pathogenic: This is a cause of disease From Virus, bacteria or microorgasnism

7.2. Pathological: involving, caused by, or of the nature of a physical or mental disease.

8. Phag: Eat

8.1. sarcophagus: a stone coffin

9. Patho

9.1. Diease

9.1.1. Relating to diease

10. Tude: State of

11. tude: state of

11.1. solitude: the state or situation of being alone

11.2. multitude: large number

12. phyt: plant

12.1. phytotoxin: a poisonous substance derived from a plant

13. chrome : color

13.1. Polychrome : Multi-Colored

13.2. Monochrome : Single Color

13.3. Chromosome :

14. Gress: step

14.1. congress: The legislative branch of the United States federal government

14.1.1. progress: forward or onward movement toward a destination.

15. Phyll: Leaf

15.1. phyllotaxis: the arrangement of leaves on a plants axis or stem.

16. hemo: blood

16.1. hemorrhage: an escape of blood from a ruptured blood vessel, especially when profuse.

17. ose: sugar

17.1. sucrose: the state or situation of being alone

17.2. Cellulose: an insoluble substance that is the main constituent of plant cell walls and of vegetable fibers such as cotton. It is a polysaccharide consisting of chains of glucose monomers.

18. Osis

18.1. Neurosis: Excessive or irrational of anxiety or Obsession.

18.2. Thrombosis: local coagulation or clotting of blood in a part of the circulatory system.

19. Mem: Memory

19.1. the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information.

20. Ultima

20.1. The last syllable of a word

21. lys: break down

21.1. analysis: detailed examination of the elements or structure of something, typically as a basis for discussion or interpretation.

22. Myo: Muscle

22.1. Myopia: lack of imagination, foresight, or intellectual insight

22.1.1. Myogram:a graphic representation of the phenomena (as velocity and intensity) of muscular contractions.

23. Oligo

23.1. Oligocene: relating to or denoting the third epoch of the Tertiary period, between the Eocene and Miocene epochs.

23.2. Oligosaccharide: A carbohydrate that uses a small amount of monosaccharide.

24. leuko: white

24.1. leucite: a gray or white potassium aluminosilicate, typically found in alkali volcanic rocks.

25. meso : middle

25.1. Mesopotamia : the middle land (one of the first civilizations)

26. sequ : follow