Measuring Results and Building on Success

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Measuring Results and Building on Success por Mind Map: Measuring Results and Building on Success

1. Measuring Other Social Media Networks

1.1. Plugging into Social Media

1.1.1. Social Entity

1.1.2. Social Network

1.1.3. Social Network and Action

2. Making Decisions by the Numbers

2.1. Adjusting to Reality

2.1.1. Create unique, themed campaigns that last one to three months

2.1.2. Distribute short-term deals using some of social media channels

2.1.3. Write a Wikipedia entry about your product or business from a consumer’s point of view

2.1.4. Make friends on Facebook by incorporating an interactive application

2.1.5. Reach one or more of your discrete niche markets

2.1.6. Tell a story about your product or service in pictures or video and upload it

3. Analyzing Content-Sharing Metrics

3.1. Measuring the Effectiveness of Content Sharing with Standard Analytics

3.1.1. The number of unique visitors to your content-sharing site compared to the number of visitors to your website

3.1.2. The number of people who linked to your website from one of your content-sharing pages

3.1.3. The geographical location of your content visitors

3.1.4. The direction of traffic

3.1.5. Which pages are most frequently used to enter or leave the site

4. Delving into Data

4.1. Planning a Measurement Strategy

4.1.1. The degree of customer engagement

4.1.2. The nature of customer dialog, sometimes called sentiment

4.1.3. Your brand reputation on a social network

4.1.4. The quality of relationships with your target market

4.1.5. The extent of participation in online conversations

4.1.6. Positioning in your industry versus your competitors

5. Analyzing Twitter Metrics

5.1. Using TweetDeck

5.1.1. Monitor multiple Twitter accounts with one interface, including tweeting and following from one, some, or all accounts.

5.1.2. Schedule tweets for the future on multiple accounts

5.1.3. Set up alerts

5.1.4. Filter searches on multiple accounts

5.1.5. Create multiple custom timelines from various accounts to insert on your website

6. Analyzing Facebook Metrics

6.1. Monitoring Facebook Interaction with Insights

6.1.1. Page insights

6.1.2. App insights

6.1.3. App events

7. Comparing Metrics from Different Marketing Techniques

7.1. Juxtaposing Social Media Metrics with Other Online Marketing

7.1.1. Email newsletters

7.1.2. Coupons, promotion codes

7.1.3. Press releases

7.1.4. Product placement in games and other programs

7.1.5. Online events

7.1.6. Disaggregated components, such as third-party blogs, chat rooms, RSS feeds, regular email, or text messaging