Plastics International - Closing it Out

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Plastics International - Closing it Out por Mind Map: Plastics International - Closing it Out

1. Challenges

1.1. Over budget, still have work to do before we can put this in front of our client

1.2. First round War Room found issues which are being fixed, but blocked full testing of user flows

1.3. No discussion with client to date about recent budget overage

1.4. Developer availability

1.4.1. Keith now doing WTC warroom, and will likely have some fixes needed from that, and then starts working on Guns next week This leaves us with Andrew holding the bag for all front end development, and he also has other build priorities/clients waiting for him to do build work Will be working on Plastics part of today, and a decent amount of Friday. Next week gets trickier Possibility of Suzanna having bandwidth to help Confirm this. Any other options? Build process for FE work has changed (in a good way), will contribute to ramp-up needs Also, order process (and the fact there are not individual products) will add to confusion Possibly document some of the larger ambiguities (Keith, Jake) Document an long-form user flow, with a couple technical details

1.4.2. Who will take on BE work?

1.4.3. Onboarding new developers will be tough - complex system to work with!

1.5. Site diverged significantly from design, based on conversations between client and development, without full team being aware

1.5.1. Ramification - Digital Strategy functionality (SEO, other) is in trouble. Unless addressed, the new site will get SIGNIFICANTLY less traffic from organic search

1.6. Usability fixes

2. JIRA Board


3. Budget

3.1. Current state 2017.11.30

3.1.1. Doc here

3.1.2. Current Tick Total as of 11/29 - 1,964 hours

3.1.3. QA Tasks after War Room Day 1 - 41 hours

3.1.4. MasterGP Doc Review Time - 40

3.1.5. War Room Day 2 - 20

3.1.6. QA Tasks after War Room Day 2 ?

3.1.7. Client QA Fixes ?

3.1.8. Warrenty Items ?

3.1.9. Digital Strategy Fix (unknown, defining ASAP) . - ? hours

3.1.10. Chemical Property Matrix 40

3.1.11. Meetings / Presentations 10

3.1.12. TOTAL 2,115 - Does not include Digital Strategy Fix RANDOM NUMBER BASED ON ALMOST NO INFO, JUST FOR CONVERSATION'S SAKE - 2250 hours total with DS fix work 292 hours over - ~15%

3.1.13. Budget High End Currently 1,958

4. Next steps

4.1. Fixes from Round 1, unblocking functionality and full testability of user flows

4.1.1. Content entry, blocked by work Andrew is going to do Friday

4.2. DS/UX analysis

4.2.1. Look at current, divergent from design, user flows, ensure acceptable usability

4.2.2. SEO - how do we fix Pages that used to drive SEO no longer exist, due to unexpected changes from design Need to determine what pages on current live site drive SEO results and how Then, figure out how to drive those results in new site with as little alteration as possible. Requires all hands on deck Tim Peter Jake Williams Sean Dylan Derek Others? This topic will be addressed in roundup meeting this afternoon, hammer out as much as possible, Get to rough strokes of what changes are needed to site, possibly needing further research and estimation Friday Peter is working prior to the meeting, gathering data on what content is needed in new site configuration Crux of matter will be how much content needs to be manually created and curated, vs. automatically populated from ERP

4.3. Roundup meeting at 4

4.3.1. Review full state of affairs with entire team involved, including steps forward Look for the gaps, what are we missing? Understand who has what action items, and when they will deliver

4.3.2. Second portion of meeting is smaller group, workshopping solutions for DS fix All of their traffic comes from organic search traffic That is based on all the existing product pages On the new site, they don't have those product pages

4.4. Next round internal QA

4.4.1. UI - Look and Feel

4.4.2. Test user flows that were blocked in previous round

4.4.3. Friday? Possibly, depending on how far Andrew can get on fixes today

4.4.4. Limit how many people are involved!!

4.5. Fixes for issues found in second round internal QA

4.6. Meet with Client

4.6.1. Prep for meeting Document reasons for digression from original designs Need to be ready to discuss this in case client is displeased, since changes were never documented. Hopefully they just love the site, and we never need to dig into this!

4.6.2. Walk through fully functioning site with Client. Discuss, answer questions, learn from client's reactions - we are taking the time to do fixes first, even though we are over budget, so this can be a positive experience!

4.6.3. Discuss work needed for DS fix Potentially needing some new pages and changes to user flow in order to preserve SEO results compared to previous site. Perhaps, since we are showing them a solid functioning site in this meeting, we could be positioned to ask for more money for the DS fix work. Would we discuss budget in that meeting, or in smaller-forum conversation after that meeting?

4.7. DS Fix Work

4.8. Internal QA and Fix as needed

4.9. Hand off to client for Client QA