problem about lighting in commercial retail store

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problem about lighting in commercial retail store により Mind Map: problem about lighting in commercial retail store

1. Reflection of light of products.

2. Mistakes of distribution lighting.

3. How to control lighting and fixture it.

4. Distance between ceiling height and stand units.

5. Distance between ceiling height and stand units.

6. size of lighting units and how can affects on product.

7. Effecting of lighting on design. Different Color of lighting unit.

8. amis

8.1. Make product more attractive to costumer by choose suitable lighting effects.

8.2. • Create special impress to commercial.

8.3. Use different type of lighting to show product details in best way.

8.4. • Distribute light better to concentrate on products stands.

8.5. Strong and directed lighting to make product unique and more in value

9. Supposes

9.1. Highlight of the display: The first step to increase sales is to attract the customer and pay to enter the shop or exhibition.