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Goldstein's Book により Mind Map: Goldstein's Book

1. Development of Technology

1.1. People's lives have become easier

1.1.1. 2018: Internet in general has made research easier, as well as phones have provided conveinent ways to avoid reality

1.2. People work less, technology takes over jobs, etc.

1.2.1. 2018: Robots are starting to take people's jobs, as well as systems/programs that can do jobs faster and in a more efficient way than humans

2. War is Peace

2.1. The three super-states are permanently at war

2.1.1. 2018: Only a few major countries that really concern themselves with a potential world war (these countries would be the ones to incite it)

2.2. Even if two allied, they could not defeat the third

2.2.1. 2018: Even with allies, a third world war would be catastrophic with nobody winning in the end due to so much damage/ potentially killing the whole world

3. Dependency

3.1. No super-state is dependent of each other

3.1.1. 2018: A lot of countries are dependent upon us, so if something were to happen to us, it would be a chain reaction of horrible situations

3.2. There is no competition for raw materials, etc.

3.2.1. 2018: The competition for raw materials is still prominent today due to dependency which causes outbreaks of war-like relations

4. Hierarchy

4.1. High, Middle, and Low

4.1.1. 2018: The top 1% owns 40% of the country's wealth, the highest inequality ever

4.2. High remains High with tyranny/exercising power

4.2.1. 2018: The wealthy have the money to convince lawmakers to change things in the system. For example: tax bills

5. No Independent Thought

5.1. No thoughtcrime, promote crimestop

5.1.1. 2018: Original thoughts are rare to come by due to brainwashing of biased ideas, relates back to using sources to manipulate public opinion/thought

5.2. Alterations of the past

5.2.1. 2018: People are still sensitive about some things of the past, so people try to cover up the history to not offend anyone

6. Maintaining Power

6.1. Use sources to manipulate public opinion

6.1.1. 2018: People only watch news/ look at news based on their belief and views so they only look at biased sources

6.2. Establish compliance with the government/ the ones above

6.2.1. 2018: People with money/ authority expect everyone to comply with what they want because they're more "powerful"