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Evaluation Question 3 により Mind Map: Evaluation Question 3

1. What worked

1.1. Focus Groups

1.1.1. We used focus groups for lots of different projects. We initially used focus groups to understand our audience by doing audience based research. This primary research was at the beginning so that we knew and understood our audience and could start having ideas about what genre is popular and goes with the themes and conventions that we already have in mind.

1.1.2. This was very successful as we got to know random audiences and then more specifically narrowed it down to know our personal audience so that we can attract our video more towards them.

1.1.3. We also did focus groups looking at how we could improve each draft. We showed a group of people relative to our target audience but not specific towards it. We then showed them our current draft and asked for positive and negative feedback from it. This was successful in my opinion as we were able to see their reactions from watching it and then see how they interpret the information nd how to improve upon that whether they understand the information they were given. It was very interesting watching them watch our video as we were able to see certain theories first-hand. Theories like Stuart Halls theory as we could clearly see dominant receptions of our video as well as oppositional.

1.2. Pitch

1.2.1. From our pitch which we done near the beginning of our coursework. From this we then got feedback from our teacher, but also after the videos e got all feedback good and bad from our class mates which are similar to our target audience, we came in very useful in the beginning stages of our coursework.

2. What didn't work

2.1. Questionnaire

2.1.1. We made questionnaires initially to get a brief understanding of audiences and what their interests around the music subject were.

2.1.2. Although we did learn some things, it wasn't very useful in my opinion as it gave us such a page view that we didn't know how to interpret the information. I think if we did it on a larger scale and used the results from that we could interpret more of a pattern that might be useful, but it was a starting point for our audience research.

2.2. Social Media

2.2.1. We used Social Media as a form of promotion for our band. In terms of good wins Theory, she suggests a star image which would be displayed to all of the promotional aspects. We tried to focus this within our social media by having the same band picture for our profile picture and similar usernames so fans will find it easy to find.

2.2.2. However I didn't think this was very successful but only due to the fact that we are doing coursework and aren't actually a band. Obviously if we were a real band doing a real music video for our band we would actually get a following together through social media as I believe it to be one of the most influential and successful forms of marketing in modern times.