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Education Disparities により Mind Map: Education Disparities

1. Ability

1.1. Special Education

1.1.1. Quality of teachers

1.1.2. IEP

1.1.3. Disproportionate number of black students

1.2. Accessibility

1.2.1. Elevators

1.2.2. Ramps

1.2.3. Bigger classrooms

2. Gender

2.1. Classes offered

2.1.1. career center?

2.2. Job opportunities

2.2.1. Male teachers v. female teachers

2.3. LGBTQ

2.3.1. bathroom bill

2.3.2. protecting transgender students

3. Race

3.1. Allocation of resources

3.2. Segregation

4. Government

4.1. discipline

4.2. Charter schools

4.2.1. Lottery System

4.3. Public education

4.3.1. Less funded

4.4. Federal laws

5. Socioeconomic Status

5.1. Low-income

5.1.1. less opportunities

5.1.2. recycled resources

5.2. High-income

5.2.1. better opportunities

5.2.2. advanced technology

5.3. White flight

5.3.1. more minorities/less funds

5.4. Property tax

5.4.1. urban areas

5.4.2. rural areas