The Emperor's New Clothes

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The Emperor's New Clothes により Mind Map: The Emperor's New Clothes

1. background

1.1. published with The Little Mermaid

1.2. part of Fairy Tales Told for Children

1.3. adapted to various media

1.4. based on story from the Libro de los ejemplos

1.4.1. Spanish collection of cautionary tales

1.5. based on real life story of Andersen

1.5.1. visit of the king to Copenhagen

1.5.2. hypocrisy and snobbery

2. time

2.1. 19th century

3. genre

3.1. short tale

3.2. fairy tale

4. main points

4.1. clothes make the man

4.2. no matter how grand or small you appear/the person who counts is the person in here

5. story

5.1. by Hans Christian Andersen - 1837.

5.2. characters

5.2.1. Emperor

5.2.2. Two Swindlers

5.2.3. Old Honest Minister

5.2.4. People in the street

5.2.5. Child

5.2.6. Father

5.3. plot

5.3.1. invisible clothes for stupid or unfit

5.3.2. fraud

5.3.3. honesty?

6. different readings

6.1. adaptations across cultures

6.2. adaptions

6.2.1. Croatian feature film(1961.)

6.2.2. animated film produced by W. Disney (2000.)

6.2.3. Ahrens and Flaherty musical