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The League of Nations により Mind Map: The League of Nations

1. Hard Facts

1.1. Founded on the 10th of January 1920

1.2. 42 countries at the start

1.3. 60 countries by 1930's

1.4. Lasted 26 years

1.5. Ended in 1946 after WW2 ended

1.6. Situated in Geneva, Switzerland as its a neutral country

2. Weakness's

2.1. Weak

2.2. America

2.2.1. Most powerful

2.2.2. Rich

2.2.3. Big trade partners

2.3. Slow

2.3.1. Problems already dealt with

2.4. Isolationist movement happening

2.5. Wasn't working

2.5.1. Less Trust

2.6. Members

2.6.1. Japan + Italy let League down

2.6.2. France + Britain sat back and relaxed

3. Strengths

3.1. Set up by treaty of Versailles

3.2. Universal Membership

3.3. Means of Influance

3.3.1. Covenant

3.3.2. Moral condemnation

3.3.3. Referee

3.3.4. Economic Sanctions

3.3.5. Military force

3.3.6. Community power thought and power

4. The Aims of the League

4.1. Stop War

4.2. Improve peoples lives

4.3. Disarmament

4.4. Enforce the Treaty of Versailles

5. Reasons for Faliure

5.1. Britain and France

5.1.1. They were not prepared to commit

5.2. USA, USSR, and Germany

5.2.1. Big powers

5.3. Structure

5.3.1. Sloowwww

5.4. Treaty of Versailles

5.4.1. The treaty was hated so the LON was hated

5.5. Economic Depression

5.5.1. Countries interested in themselves

5.6. Dictators

5.6.1. Would rarely comply, eg Hitler and Mussolini

5.7. Unsuccessful

5.7.1. Reputation made members leave and rarely join

5.8. Powerless

5.8.1. Moral condemnation ignored

5.8.2. The League had no armies

5.8.3. People found ways round sanctions