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My Biography により Mind Map: My Biography

1. Childhood

1.1. I was born in Medina, Ohio on August 21, 1998.

1.1.1. Throughout my childhood, my family moved around a lot. We lived in 2 or 3 different cities in Ohio, and even lived in Connecticut for a few years! When I was in elementary and middle school, I was involved with Girl Scouts, and played basketball, volleyball, and ran cross country almost every year.

2. Education & Work

2.1. For elementary and middle school, I attended St. Francis Xavier school in Medina, Ohio. For high school, I attended Archbishop Hoban High School in Akron, Ohio. Now I attend University of Central Florida, and I'm majoring in English Education with a minor in psychology.

2.1.1. My first job was at a small (and now closed) grocery store in my hometown, and I've worked at a few other places since then, mostly in restaurants! My favorite job so far is my current one: an attractions cast member at Walt Disney World, working at Space Mountain in the Magic Kingdom!

3. Personal Interests

3.1. When I'm not working (which is rare), some things I enjoy doing are reading, watching Netflix, hanging out with my friends, roommates, and boyfriend, and playing instruments (I play 3!).

3.1.1. I also really enjoy going to art museums whenever I get the chance. My favorite artist is Claude Monet and I actually had the chance to see all three panels of his famous water lilies painting a few years back at the Cleveland art museum! I love to go to concerts whenever my favorite artists are in town as well. I've been to more than 15 (but to be honest I've lost track!) and I plan to go to more! My favorites have been the 1975, Bleachers (x2), and Taylor Swift (x3, almost 4!).