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Alliances により Mind Map: Alliances

1. The Wilder The Better

2. World War 1 Allies

3. Allies

4. Communist version of the above

4.1. USSR, East Germany

5. Definitions and examples of alliances

5.1. _When a group of people (usually used to describe relationships between countries) have joined together for a mutual benefit or the same purpose.

5.2. An example of the alliance could be what had happened in WW1. During the time, there was a conflict between the Central powers and the allies. The allies consisted of countries; such as, Britain, France, Italy, Russia, and America, that had the purpose to helped fought against the Central Powers and together they had made an alliance.

5.3. -Military alliance is when countries make an agreement that concerns about the national security around the world

5.4. -Political alliance is when different countries have the same point of view based on some political issues.

6. Famous Alliances

6.1. First-world military alliance

6.1.1. USA, UK, France

6.2. Three nation free-trade agreement

6.2.1. USA, Canada, Mexico

7. world war 2 allies