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Tsunamis により Mind Map: Tsunamis

1. Ranks Of Danger

1.1. The ranking system for the Tsunami is with the Richter scale. It's mostly calculated based on magnitude and the highest is 10. 1 is marked as insignificant. The highest Tsunami to be recorded is a 9.5 Chili Tsunami. The original scale was only up to 9.


3. What are the long-term problems facing tsunami survivors?

4. Dal Giappone a Messina, gli tsunami nella storia

5. https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/earth/earthquakes/tsunami/

6. Deaths

6.1. The dealiest Tsunami of all time was when one hit China oin the 1931 China floods. It's estiamte death toll was 1 million to 4 million.

6.2. The second deadliest of all time was the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami which killed around 280 thousand people.

7. Highest

7.1. The highest Tsunami ever recorded in history was when an earthquake shook a ton of rocks in Alaska which caused a 1720 foot tsunami! That makes it 524.256 meters high!

8. Most expensive damages

8.1. The most expensive tsunami ever was in 2011 at Japan which cost an estimate of $235 billion dollars. It was aid that it would take around 5 years to recover from this horrifying Tsunami.

9. How do we know in advance?

9.1. U.S. Tsunami Warning Centers

9.2. This site can give you the warnings for many natural disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes.

10. Interesting facts about the Richter Scale

10.1. The Richter Scale became systematic in 1902.

10.2. Richter measured ground movement with a seismograph

10.3. The Richter Scale will have to be raised to higher than 9 since Tsunamis and such are becoming stronger and higher than 9!