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The role of the Teacher により Mind Map: The role of the Teacher

1. Social/ethical/cultural responsibilities

1.1. PROMOTE Diversity (cultural, religious, linguistic, social etc.)

1.2. COMBAT Racism

1.3. EMBRACE Culture

1.4. CHALLENGE Prejudiced attitudes

2. Don't stop Learning!

2.1. Advocate and model "lifelong learning"

2.2. Be at the forefront of new technologies, new ideas, new "ways" of doing things

2.3. Identify gaps and update own skills, knowledge and expertise

3. Pedagogical content knowledge

3.1. Pedagogical knowledge

3.1.1. Know HOW to teach Strategies Tasks and activities know their students and "how" they learn Teaching models, theories

3.2. Content knowledge

3.2.1. Know WHAT they teach be the subject matter experts (SME) in specific specialisations and subjects - e.g. TAS, Design and Tech, Mathematics, English etc. Literacy and Numeracy (embedded in all)

4. Engage and Motivate students!

4.1. What's in it for them?

4.2. Encourage

4.3. Inspire

4.4. Provide interactive learning experiences

5. Be professional!

5.1. Plan and prepare for effective teaching and learning

5.2. Strategic and regular engagement with community, parents, carers

5.3. Create meaningful, safe and supportive learning environments

5.4. Contribute to "whole of school" plans and strategies

5.5. Collaborate with colleagues and fellow educators, specialists and internal/external stakeholders

6. Assessment and reporting

6.1. Assess student learning and achievement

6.2. Provide feedback

6.2.1. to students and parents

6.2.2. timely and appropriate

6.3. Report on student learning outcomes

6.4. learning analytics