Screening and Antenatal Education

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Screening and Antenatal Education により Mind Map: Screening and Antenatal Education

1. Cultural beliefs

1.1. Asking to change can be difficlt

1.2. provide sense of comfort

1.3. bring the person closer

1.3.1. to ethic group

1.3.2. family

1.3.3. staff

1.4. deflect caring and love

1.5. empowering people spiritual and cultural beliefs

1.6. examples

1.6.1. vital to get blessings from elders

1.6.2. wider family involvment

1.6.3. home births Vs Medical model

1.6.4. personal beliefs

1.6.5. husband to stay head of bed

1.6.6. males in the delivery room

1.6.7. family in delivery room

1.6.8. family immediately post birth

1.6.9. returning the placenta

1.6.10. not buying clothes before birth

1.6.11. pain relief

1.6.12. finding the out the baby sex

1.6.13. religious beliefs

2. Smoking Drugs Alcohol

2.1. fetal alcohol syndrome

2.2. babies withdrawing

2.3. low birth weight

2.4. birth defects

2.5. premature

2.6. still birth

2.7. SUD / SID

2.8. defective breast feeding

3. Families

3.1. Support network

3.2. other children

3.2.1. organization skills

3.3. socio economic

3.4. single parent

3.4.1. what support networks do they have

3.5. health literacy

4. Vitamins

4.1. Folic acid 400 mcg/day

4.2. iodine

4.3. iron

5. Weight Gain

5.1. 1st Trimester :- no addition requirements

5.2. 2nd Trimester:- 1400 Kilojoules per day

5.3. 3rd Trimester:- 1900 Kilojoules per day

6. Particular Risk of Nutritional Deficiencies

6.1. adolescent

6.2. under weight

6.3. obese

6.4. smoking

6.5. ingesting alcohol or drugs

6.6. diabetes

6.7. anaemia

6.8. older mothers

6.9. Vegetarians

7. Low Rate Pregnancy Wight Gain

7.1. Increased risk preterm delivery