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Polio Story Map により Mind Map: Polio Story Map

1. Rising Action

1.1. Moments of Conflict / Tension

1.1.1. Her in Miami and everything is affected by Polio (she is afraid of it) More and more people are becoming afraid of Polio and more people are getting it

1.1.2. Flies (untrue things that people believed about Polio)

1.1.3. Ann and Linda who had Polio and how she felt about it (talk to Anne about this more)

2. Character Intro

2.1. Establish Setting / Atmosphere

2.1.1. Bus in Miami

2.1.2. Before Polio Life is normal and she feels mostly safe

2.1.3. During Polio Polio is affecting everyone and Anne is scared of it like everyone else

2.1.4. After Polio Ann is relieved that she does not need to be scared of Polio anymore because it was gone

2.2. Introduce Character

2.2.1. Younger Ann riding the bus and looking out the window

2.2.2. Older Ann riding the bus and looking out the window at the city changed by Polio

2.2.3. Scared Hopeful that Polio will by over

2.3. Character Routine

2.3.1. Riding the bus through the city looking at the pool and at other people walking by goes to school talking with her friend (Linda Hall) that has Polio

3. Catalyst

3.1. Historical Event

3.1.1. Polio and the vaccine

3.1.2. Maybe women's rights and atomic bomb (rewriting the past)

3.2. Introduce Conflict / Tension

3.2.1. Ann looks out as an older girl and everything is changed by Polio because everything is changed by it She looks out the window as a young girl and everything is fine but when she is older everything looks different

4. Climax

4.1. Conflict / Tension

4.1.1. Polio is at its worst and then the vaccine comes out She feels relieved things are getting better in Miami

5. Resolution

5.1. Falling Action

5.1.1. Ann is going to go get the vaccine and life is getting better

5.2. Resolve Conflict / Tension

5.2.1. Polio is basically gone but now more events are happening and she is scared by them Women's rights she goes to marches (in D.C.) Atomic bomb she feels scared about it nowadays she feels like this event or something like it might happen again