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World of Warcraft - Legion により Mind Map: World of Warcraft - Legion

1. Svijetovi

1.1. Azeroth

1.1.1. Northrend

1.1.2. Kalimdor

1.1.3. Eastern Kingdoms

1.1.4. Pandaria

1.1.5. Broken Isles

1.2. Outlands

1.2.1. Hellfire Peninsula

1.2.2. Zangarmarsh

1.2.3. Terokkar Forest

1.2.4. Blade's Edge Mountains

1.2.5. Netherstorm

1.2.6. Nagrand

1.2.7. Shadowmoon Valley

2. PvE (Legion)

2.1. Raidovi (10 man/25 man)

2.1.1. Nighthold

2.1.2. Tomb of Sargeras

2.1.3. Antorus, the Burning Throne

2.1.4. The Emerald Nightmare

2.2. Dungeoni (5 man)

2.2.1. Black Rook Hold

2.2.2. Cathedral of Eternal Night

2.2.3. Court of Stars

2.2.4. Darkheart Thicket

2.2.5. Eye of Azshara

2.2.6. Halls of Valor

2.2.7. Karazhan ( Lower and Upper)

2.2.8. Maw of Souls

2.2.9. Neltharion's Lair

2.2.10. Seat of the Triumvirate

2.2.11. The Arcway

2.2.12. Vault of the Wardens

2.2.13. Violet Hold

3. PvP

3.1. Arena

3.1.1. 2v2

3.1.2. 3v3

3.1.3. 5v5

3.2. Battleground

3.2.1. Warsong Gulch (10v10)

3.2.2. Arathi Basin (15v15)

3.2.3. Alterac Valley (40v40)

3.2.4. Eye of the Storm (15v15)

3.2.5. Strand of the Ancients (15v15)

3.2.6. Isle of Conquest (40v40)

3.2.7. Battle for Gilneas (10v10)

3.2.8. Twin Peaks (10v10)

3.2.9. Silvershard Mines (10v10)

3.2.10. Temple of Kotmogu (10v10)

3.2.11. Deepwind Gorge (15v15)

3.3. Open World

4. Klase

4.1. Warrior

4.2. Paladin

4.3. Death Knight

4.4. Hunter

4.5. Shaman

4.6. Demon Hunter

4.7. Rogue

4.8. Priest

4.9. Mage

4.10. Warlock

4.11. Druid

4.12. Monk

5. Fakcije

5.1. Horde

5.1.1. Orc

5.1.2. Tauren

5.1.3. Troll

5.1.4. Undead

5.1.5. Blood Elf

5.1.6. Goblin

5.1.7. Pandaren

5.2. Alliance

5.2.1. Human

5.2.2. Night Elf

5.2.3. Dwarf

5.2.4. Gnome

5.2.5. Draenei

5.2.6. Worgen

5.2.7. Pandaren

6. Uloge

6.1. Tank

6.2. Healer

6.3. Damage Dealer

6.3.1. Ranged

6.3.2. Melee