Using the Internet responsibly, ethically and safetly

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Using the Internet responsibly, ethically and safetly により Mind Map: Using the Internet responsibly, ethically and safetly

1. Creative Commons and Copyright

2. Don't ever give your personal information to someone who you don't know!

2.1. Keep in mind that predators have ways of breaking through online barriers so they can send messages through to accounts.

3. Do not copyright or plagiarize other peoples work - it is dishonest!

4. Top Tips for the Internet

5. 10 Rules of Computer Ethics 1. One shall not use a computer to harm other people. 2. One shall not interfere with other people's computer work. 3. One shall not snoop around other people's compute files 4. One shall not copy or use propriety software for which one has not paid for 5. One shall not use other's computer resources without authorization or proper compensation 6. One shall not appropriate other's intellectual output. 7. One shall always use a computer in ways that insure consideration and respect for one's fellow humans. 8. Do not use computers to steal other's information. 9. Respect the privacy of others, just as you expect the same from others. 10. Use Internet ethically.

6. Be smart about it!