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JiffyShirts CST Hiring により Mind Map: JiffyShirts CST Hiring

1. Resume Review

1.1. Things to Look For

1.1.1. Longevity at jobs min 5 years experience - no more than 3 jobs

1.1.2. Entrepreneurship/Growth to leadership roles within a company

1.1.3. Social Media Experience own website active in forums experience professionally with customer service based social media

1.1.4. Chat Experience

1.1.5. ZD Experience Working in e-commerce, clothing, logistic, service industry, promotional goods, or decoration experience

1.1.6. College Graduate

1.1.7. GTA Area

1.2. Bonus Points

1.2.1. Experience working full time at computer

1.2.2. Candidates preferably live in Durham Region, Northumberland County, Scarborough, or Peterborough.

1.2.3. Female Hockey Players

1.2.4. Degrees in Physics

1.3. Demographics

1.3.1. Lower chronological age

1.4. Red Flags

1.4.1. Worked several years at a place like Bell, banks, 20K+ employee companys

1.4.2. Lots of job changes within a short amount of time

1.5. Disqualified

1.5.1. Send email to disqualify candidate

2. Initial Screening

2.1. Schedule 20 Minute Phone Call

2.2. Fill Out Screening Template for Each Candidate

2.2.1. Screen Form

2.2.2. Proceed to Next Stage Schedule a time for them to take hour long assessment test.

2.3. Disqualified

2.3.1. Send email to disqualify candidate

3. 2nd Interview

3.1. 1 Lead & Chris

3.2. Review Initial Screen Form/Assessment/1st Interview Notes

3.3. Questions To Ask

3.3.1. 2nd Interview Form

3.3.2. Provide an example of how/why teamwork is important to you.

3.3.3. Tell me about a challenge or conflict you've faced at work, and how you dealt with it.

3.3.4. Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years? 10 years?

3.3.5. You’ve looked at our website and researched our company somewhat, I’m sure. What would you say we’re doing right, and what are we doing wrong or could be doing better?

3.3.6. What do you bring to the table ( skill set) and why would you be a good fit for our Company/ team?

3.3.7. What is something that you failed at? What did you learn from it?

3.3.8. Are you a competitive person?

3.3.9. Give a specific example of a time that you implemented change.

3.4. Disqualified

3.4.1. Send email to disqualify candidate

4. Assessment

4.1. Things to Look For

4.1.1. Did they provide a resolution?

4.1.2. Spelling Errors

4.1.3. Attention to Detail

4.2. Bonus Points

4.2.1. Did they go above and beyond?

4.2.2. Did they have a creative way to fix the problem to avoid this happening in the future?

4.3. Proceed to Next Interview

4.3.1. Set up in person interview

4.3.2. Send Screen/Assessments to 2 Leads

4.4. Disqualified

4.4.1. Send email to disqualify candidate

5. 1st Interview

5.1. 2 Leads

5.2. Review Initial Screen Form/Assessment

5.3. Questions To Ask

5.3.1. 1st Interview Form

5.3.2. Provide specific examples of going above and beyond for a customer. Outcome?

5.3.3. What is the difference between sympathy and empathy?

5.3.4. Tell us about a time you could not deliver on a customer's expectation and what did you do to resolve it?

5.3.5. What is one area that you would consider yourself an expert?

5.3.6. What is one area that you could improve on?

5.3.7. You said that you are an avid online shopper. Can you give us an example of a time where you received bad customer service? If you the roles were reversed, how would you have handled the situation?

5.3.8. How do you feel about constructive criticism in a group setting?

5.3.9. Have you ever disagreed with a manager’s decision, and how did you approach the disagreement? Give a specific example and explain how you rectified this disagreement, what the final outcome was, and how that individual would describe you today.

5.4. Proceed to Next Interview

5.4.1. Set up in person 2nd interview

5.4.2. Send Screen/Assessment/1st interview notes to lead and Chris

5.5. Disqualified

5.5.1. Send email to disqualify candidate

6. Offer

6.1. Amanda to Send Offer Letter

6.2. Inge to Send Contracts

6.3. Amanda to Send Training Details/Allergy Information

6.4. Kelly/Danny to Set Up Accounts