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Copy of Mosquito により Mind Map: Copy of Mosquito

1. Species

1.1. Aedes

1.2. Culex

1.3. Anopheles

1.4. And others 2700 species

2. Size

2.1. Average weight 5 mm

2.1.1. New Topic

2.2. Slender and small bodt with average size 3 mm to 6 mm

3. New Topic

4. Part of body

4.1. Head

4.1.1. Antenna

4.1.2. Large eyes

4.1.3. Mouth

4.1.4. A proboscis

4.2. Thorax

4.2.1. 6 legs

4.2.2. 2 wings

4.3. Abdoment

4.3.1. Place to store blood and eggs

5. Food

5.1. Nectar

5.2. Plants juices

5.3. Female mosquitoes suck blood

6. New Topic