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Knowing Onesefl により Mind Map: Knowing Onesefl

1. Self Esteem is how you feel for yourself.

2. Self Concept - Is what you think of yourself.

3. Attitudes and its Components

3.1. Affect

3.2. This is directed to our emotions to others.

3.3. Cognition

3.4. This is the way we Think.

3.5. Behavior

3.6. Is the action form of Attittude,Without the 2 dimensions behavior will be baseless and ungrounded.

4. Self-Concept and Self- Esteem

5. Johari Window

5.1. Known to self

5.1.1. This traits can be categorize as:

5.1.2. - We only know our Attitude. -We know our Attitude same as other people -We do not know our Attitude but everyone knows. - Our Attitude has not been yet discovered.

6. Three Dimensions

6.1. Physical

6.2. The ability for us to do work everyday.

6.3. Psychological

6.4. Contains our Emotion, Feelings and our Personality.

6.5. Spiritual Dimension

6.6. We are spiritual beings that relates us to be an humble individual.