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Vegan により Mind Map: Vegan

1. Misconceptions

1.1. Vegan diets are not healthy

1.2. Vegans are preachy

1.3. Vegans need to drink dairy milk to get calcium

1.4. Veganism is hard

2. Benefits

2.1. It Can Help You Lose Excess Weight

2.2. Lower Blood Sugar Levels and Improve Kidney Function

2.3. May Protect Against Certain Cancers

3. Difference between vegan and vegetarian

3.1. Vegans eat no animal products, while vegetarians don’t eat animals, but may eat products that come from animals such as eggs and dairy

4. Why choose being a vegan?

4.1. Animal welfare

4.1.1. Animals suffer cruelty

4.2. Environment

4.2.1. Reduces carbon footprint

4.3. Better health

4.3.1. Better health overall