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Social Work Talk により Mind Map: Social Work Talk

1. Communication and collaboration

1.1. Social Media

1.1.1. Facebook

1.1.2. Twitter

1.1.3. LinkedIn

1.2. email

1.2.1. Gmail

2. Learning location

2.1. Univeristy

2.2. Home

2.3. Mobile

3. Career development

3.1. Blogging

3.1.1. Wordpress

3.1.2. Blogger

3.1.3. tumblr

3.1.4. Posterous

4. PLE

4.1. Browser

4.1.1. Firefox

4.1.2. Chrome

4.2. Platform

4.2.1. iGoogle

4.2.2. Netvibes

5. new branch

6. Time management and organisation

6.1. Remember the Milk

6.1.1. To-do list

6.1.2. http://www.rememberthemilk.com

6.2. Google Calendar

6.2.1. http://www.google.com/calendar/

6.3. Outlook Calendar

7. Writing: notes and long documents

7.1. Evernote

7.1.1. Long Notes

7.1.2. http://www.evernote.com/

7.2. Mindmeister

7.2.1. mindmapping

7.2.2. http://www.mindmeister.com/

7.3. Google Docs

7.3.1. Collaborative Working

7.3.2. http://docs.google.com/

8. Storage and transfer of information

8.1. Social Bookmarking

8.1.1. Delicious http://www.delicious.com/

8.1.2. Diigo http://www.diigo.com

8.1.3. Save favourite websites

8.2. Dropbox

8.2.1. Virtual memory stick

8.2.2. http://www.dropbox.com/

9. Staying up to date

9.1. RSS

9.1.1. Google Reader http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSPZ2Uu_X3Y http://www.google.co.uk/reader

9.2. Twitter

9.2.1. http://twitter.com/