Nora's development and the three act structure in "A Doll's House"

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Nora's development and the three act structure in "A Doll's House" により Mind Map: Nora's development and the three act structure in "A Doll's House"

1. Act 1: Ignorant about her individual needs. Finds contentment in the confines of her doll's house

1.1. Beginning: She's a happy, symbolic doll in her domestic environment

1.1.1. your quote/s: your interpretation

1.2. She is zealous about her "little secret"

1.2.1. your quote/s: your interpretation

1.3. Ending: Her illusion of happiness is shattered

1.3.1. your quote/s: your interpretation

2. Act 3: Self-aware of her individual needs. Decides to physically leave her doll's house.

2.1. Nora's entrapment becomes real to her

2.1.1. your quote/s: your interpretation

2.2. Dismissive of social expectations, she forcefully refuses to conform to them

2.2.1. your quote/s: your interpretation

3. Act 2: Emerging self-awareness: attempts to physically and psychologically free herself from the asphyxiating constraints of her doll's house.

3.1. Considers suicide as a way out

3.1.1. your quote/s: your interpretation

3.2. Dances the Tarantella dance as a symbol of hope to lead her to freedom

3.2.1. your quote/s: your interpretation

4. "Men act, women appear. Men are in possession of their identities but women are not. The woman does not respond to her own set of values but rather interiorises the male gaze to respond to his" (Berger, 1972).