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Kevin Jr $40K により Mind Map: Kevin Jr $40K

1. Picking out which Accts to quote

2. Remarkets

3. Time management


5. Time for Action

6. Nbiz Quotes

6.1. Dont waste time quoting on losers

6.2. Write things u can win like cross sales and referrals

6.3. Keep using network, car dealers etc

6.4. Better follow up tracking system

7. Time

7.1. Pick time AM for paperwork

7.2. Planned out sales/service times on calendar stick too it

7.3. Comml stop wasting time on long shots

7.3.1. specialize 2 or 3 niches

8. Remarkets

8.1. Only rewrite every 2or 3 years

8.2. use top 3 carriers

8.3. organize on whiteboard/calendar

9. Need Small Biz/Niches

10. Tracking