eSIM Findings. Research objective: 1. how well customer understands esim 2. are we surfacing enou...

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eSIM Findings. Research objective: 1. how well customer understands esim 2. are we surfacing enough info 3. what is the preferred validation option? により Mind Map: eSIM Findings. Research objective: 1. how well customer understands esim 2. are we surfacing enough info 3. what is the preferred validation option?

1. eSIM Education

1.1. As a [] customer looking to buy a new device and/or plan, I want to understand the sim tech options I have, SO THAT I can make the right device and plan decision for me

1.2. What's IMEI (AK: This one I couldn't read)


1.3.1. what is trio sim?

1.3.2. why do I need it if i have esim

1.3.3. what is the difference between esim

1.3.4. i would like more information including the price to compare before i make a choice

1.3.5. Trio SIM is 4G ready and esim isn't?

1.4. Basic overview of what eSIM is

1.4.1. will I be stuck with esim? i want to sell my phone

1.4.2. MOST customers said Not enough information about esim

1.4.3. vague idea about what esim is

1.4.4. not sure about travel use case and dual operator model

1.5. Dual SIM and eSIIM

1.5.1. people used dual sim and esim interchangeably

1.5.2. MOST people knew their phone was dual sim

1.5.3. having 2 numbers was important for 1 customer and they complained that info on how would 2 work numbers was missing

1.6. QR Code activation

1.6.1. most customers knew what it is

1.6.2. most customers wondered whether elderly people would know what it is

1.7. Spark Supporting eSIM

1.7.1. 2 customers weren't sure if "supports eSIM" means that Spark now supports esim of just the device they are buying does

2. Concerns

2.1. i dont want to be stuck with spark or this phone in case i want to sell it

2.2. can someone scan my QR code in my email

2.3. i want to have more control over what happens

3. Validation Options

3.1. IMEI

3.1.1. 3 customers liked it as they knew how to find it and felt secure

3.1.2. at least 3 customers said it's not convenient

3.2. countries

3.2.1. noone likes this option

3.3. Device gallery


4.1. MOST people left wanting esim

4.2. most people found journey simple

4.3. most people do not understand what benefits esim has for them or how it work

5. eSIM Visualisation/Design

5.1. Didn't notice eSIM on LHS

5.1.1. Most customers didn't notice esim mention on LHS

5.2. Visually easy

5.2.1. two customers expected Spark to make esim information stand out more so he sees it without clicking or looking especially when sim swapping to esim

5.3. Language

5.3.1. language is not colloquial enough

5.4. Good

5.4.1. most customers said that process is easy to follow

6. Timing

6.1. When am i going to get an email

6.1.1. Most customers wanted to know

6.2. How long will my connection take

6.2.1. 1 customer

6.3. as a customer looking to buy new device/plan/sim swap I want Spark to set clear expectations so I know when i will be connected

7. Benefits

7.1. Delivery

7.1.1. 1 customer likes simple delivery

7.2. Hates pSIM

7.2.1. 2 customers don't like fiddling or losing physical sims

7.3. Network switch

7.3.1. one customer will switch to local operator while travelling, 2 customers see the easy network switch as a benefit

7.4. Not just for travellers

7.4.1. 1 customer could not understand why traveling is mentioned as main benefit, other customers did NOT comment

7.5. New technology

7.5.1. 1 customer was excited to switch to new technology

8. Care

8.1. most people prefer online till something happens then they go in store