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Programming により Mind Map: Programming

1. Debugging

1.1. Syntax errors

1.1.1. grammatical

1.2. Run time Errors

1.2.1. problem with value; computer can't finish running code

1.3. Logic Errors

1.3.1. semantic error; human error

2. Assignment Statement

2.1. Statement that assigns a value to a variable; movieTitle="Edge of Tomorrow"

2.2. Be mindful when naming variables

3. Naming Variables

3.1. Begin with letter or _

3.2. After 1st letter, name may contain letters or digits 0-9

3.3. may not be keywords

3.4. no spaces or punctuation or special characters

3.5. camelCase

3.6. self explanatory/ logical/ concise

3.7. nouns not verbs

4. Interpreter

4.1. translates and executes high level program code into machine code ONE line @ a time ; must have source code; slower

4.1.1. Python

5. Compiled

5.1. translates ALL lines of high level program code into machine code THEN executes; can be saved and run later; can keep source code private; faster

5.1.1. Java