Listing A New Home

Procedures for Listings homes with BBC & JRE

登録は簡単!. 無料です
または 登録 あなたのEメールアドレスで登録
Listing A New Home により Mind Map: Listing A New Home

1. 3. Seller Signature

1.1. Dist docutments

1.1.1. Seller/upload Server

1.1.2. Broker

1.1.3. Hard Copy in File

2. 1. Photo Shoot

2.1. Edit Photos

3. 5. Upload

3.1. Real Estate Shows

3.2. Pro Agent solutions

3.3. You Tube

3.4. Craigs List

3.5. Websites

3.5.1. BBC

3.5.2. JRErickson

3.5.3. Send to Building Credibility

4. 2. Paperwork

4.1. Sellers Rep

4.2. IMLS Res Data

4.3. Blue Brochure

4.4. Re 26

5. 6. Install

5.1. Get Key

5.2. Signs

5.3. Serial # Proagent Solutions

5.4. Flyer box

6. 4. Create

6.1. Flyer

6.2. Video