Tag Gardening: How to maintain and enhance folksonomies?

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Tag Gardening: How to maintain and enhance folksonomies? により Mind Map: Tag Gardening: How to maintain and enhance folksonomies?

1. Improvement on different levels

1.1. a) Document collection vs. single document

1.2. b) Personal vs. collaborative

1.3. c) Intra- and cross-platform

2. Formatting Guidelines


2.1.1. removing of "bad tags"

2.2. correct spelling

2.3. consistent formatting

2.4. consistent multi word concepts

2.5. different word forms

2.5.1. singular vs. plural

2.5.2. nouns vs. verb forms

3. Vocabulary Control

3.1. synomyms

3.2. homonyms

3.3. semantic relations

4. Distinguishing of different tag qualities

4.1. labelling

4.2. different fields for different tag functionalities

5. Combination with other Knowledge Organization Systems


5.2. thesauri

5.3. ontologies

6. Tag Popularity


6.2. Tag Clouds

7. Peters, Isabella; Weller Katrin (2008): Tag gardening for folksonomy enrichment and maintenance. Webology, 5 (3), Article 58.

8. How to maintan and enhance folksonomies?

8.1. Formatting Guidelines

8.2. Vocabulary Control

8.3. Distinguishing of different tag qualities

8.4. Combinations with other Knowledge Organization Systems

9. "tag gardening"

10. Personal and Cross-Platform Tag-Maintenance

10.1. Power Tags

10.2. Personal Tag Repository

10.2.1. Tool: TagCare