Accountable Talk Pledge

The "Accountable Talk Pledge" is a contract developed by Academy at Saint Mary students to help students and any internet users choose positive words when collaborating online. We will keep revisiting the list regularly to update it and keep it relevant for educational use as well as for our personal use.

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Accountable Talk Pledge により Mind Map: Accountable Talk Pledge

1. To Express Agreement

1.1. You're right.

1.2. Exactly.

1.3. I happen to agree.

1.4. You can say that again!

1.5. Absolutely true.

1.6. I agree because...

1.7. I feel the same way.

1.8. I like what you said about...

1.9. Yes, we are on the same page about...

1.10. Amen. (with appropriate context)

2. To Offer An Opinion

2.1. I believe...because...

2.2. I would say...

2.3. In my opinion...

2.4. From my point of view...

2.5. The way I see it...

2.6. Have you considered...?

2.7. If I may add my own opinion...

3. To Ask For Clarification

3.1. I didn't understand what you meant about...

3.2. Can you explain...

3.3. What do you mean when you said...

3.4. I'm sorry. I didn't understand...

3.5. This part wasn't clear to me.

3.6. Can you give an example about...?

4. To Prompt/Evoke Ideas

4.1. How do you feel?

4.2. Would you like to offer your thoughts on...?

4.3. Can you share some ideas about...?

4.4. Do you agree or have a different opinion?

4.5. We haven't heard from you...

4.6. Any other thoughts/ideas?

4.7. What is____?

4.8. Im curious about what others have to say about...

5. To Add-On

5.1. In addition...

5.2. I might add...

5.3. Can I also point out...

5.4. Based on what ___ said...

5.5. An example of this is...

5.6. Also,

5.7. When you said___ it reminded me of____...

5.8. Indeed, ___...

6. To Express Disagreement

6.1. I don't see it that way.

6.2. I see what your saying but I think...

6.3. Let's agree to disagree.

6.4. Here's what I think...

6.5. The way I see it is...

6.6. In my opinion...

6.7. I don't think so.

6.8. I beg to differ.

6.9. Not necessarily...

6.10. I'm not sure I agree with...

6.11. Yes, but consider...

6.12. I have a different experience...

6.13. I agree with the part about_____...

6.14. I have evidence that proves otherwise...

6.15. With all due respect, I feel...

6.16. I happen to disagree with___...

7. To Ask for Explanation

7.1. Can you offer some examples?

7.2. Where did you hear/learn this?

7.3. I need a deeper explanation of...

7.4. Where can I find information on this?

7.5. Can you prove that?

7.6. Is this based on fact or opinion?

7.7. Can you share your sources?

7.8. How?

7.9. Why do you feel that way?

8. To Show Appreciation

8.1. Thank you...

8.2. That was great...

8.3. I liked...

8.4. I appreciate...

8.5. I loved...

8.6. Thank you for your feedback/opinion on...

8.7. That was interesting.

8.8. That made me smile.

8.9. That made me sad.

8.10. I appreciate your response/reply.

8.11. I received your ___...

8.12. Thanks for sharing that.

8.13. I'm glad you said ___...

8.14. That really means a lot.

9. To Show Understanding

9.1. Thank you for explaining that.

9.2. I learned something new!

9.3. I used to think ___ but now I see that ___...

9.4. You taught me that ...

9.5. You convinced me that ...

9.6. Thanks for clarifying.

9.7. Now I understand.

9.8. I can see what you mean.

9.9. I understand you point of view...

10. To Empathize

10.1. I'm sorry about...

10.2. That must be tough...

10.3. It's not fair that...

10.4. Let me know if I can help...

10.5. That must have been difficult...

10.6. I'll pray for you.

10.7. My thoughts and prayers...

10.8. I was sad to hear...

10.9. May your guardian angel watch over you during...

10.10. I know how you feel.

10.11. I can't imagine what you're going through.

10.12. This could be a blessing in disguise.

10.13. I wish I could make it better.

10.14. I don't know what to say.

10.15. I trust that God has a plan.

11. To Encourage

11.1. You're doing great!

11.2. I'll help you with...

11.3. You're amazing!

11.4. Be strong!

11.5. Don't be afraid...

11.6. With practice you'll succeed!

11.7. I believe in you!

11.8. God is on your side!

11.9. Pray...

11.10. Be positive!

11.11. I'm here for you!

12. To Dislike

12.1. That was inappropriate.

12.2. Your comment was disrespectful.

12.3. This might be offensive.

12.4. This was hurtful.

12.5. Consider your audience of this content.

12.6. Be mindful of others' feelings.

12.7. This spreads negativity.

13. Ways to Combat Negativity

13.1. Can you watch your words please.

13.2. That was mean./ That wasn't nice.

13.3. Please be respectful.

13.4. Consider people's feelings.