Goverment should use economic incentives to encourage healthy behaviour

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Goverment should use economic incentives to encourage healthy behaviour により Mind Map: Goverment should use economic incentives to encourage healthy behaviour

1. Financial methods

1.1. Taxes

1.1.1. Cash-like rewards

1.1.2. Price discount

1.2. Subsidies

1.3. Cash

1.4. Bad effects

1.4.1. Small horticulturs

1.4.2. Pressure to reduce prices

1.4.3. Increase consumption fruits/vegetables

1.4.4. Higher prices

1.4.5. Lower price les heathy food

1.4.6. Bankrupt

1.4.7. Switching to other unheathy foods

2. Big fore

2.1. Nog smoking

2.2. Sensibel alcohol consumption

2.3. Taking regular physical activity

3. Causes gouvernement costs

3.1. Sex behaviour

3.2. Attending for vaccinations and screening

4. Non finanicial methods

4.1. Reward

4.2. Sticker

4.3. Voucher

4.3.1. Exchanged for goods or services

5. Healthy food in different environments

5.1. High school cafetarias

5.2. Vending machines

5.3. Restaurants

5.4. Worksites

5.5. Supermarkets

6. different cultures

6.1. big family

6.2. lonely people

6.3. HIgh income

6.4. low income

7. Factors influencing food choices

7.1. Price

7.2. Taste

7.3. Promotions

7.4. Purchasing habits

7.5. Convenience

7.5.1. Takeaways

7.5.2. Treats

7.6. Organically grown

7.6.1. Produced locally

7.7. Seasonal

8. reseach

8.1. age

8.2. gender

8.3. ethnicity

9. Causes unhealthy behaviour

9.1. Different factors

9.1.1. Environmental

9.1.2. Pyschological

9.1.3. Socio-demographic

9.2. Time preference

9.2.1. Timing of costs

9.2.2. Rewards of engaging in these behaviours

10. Risks of eating unhealthy food

10.1. High blood pressure

10.2. High blood cholesterol

10.3. Obesiity

10.4. Heart diseases

10.5. Diabtes