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Tech of Religram により Mind Map: Tech of Religram

1. Infra

1.1. Azure

1.1.1. S3

1.1.2. EC2

1.2. Monitoring

1.2.1. Munin https://instagram-engineering.com/what-powers-instagram-hundreds-of-instances-dozens-of-technologies-adf2e22da2ad

1.2.2. Pingdom

1.2.3. Sentry

1.3. CDN

1.3.1. CloudFlare

1.4. Cache

1.4.1. Redis + Memcache

1.5. OS

1.5.1. CentOS

1.6. Load Balancing

1.6.1. Stateless

1.6.2. Docker

2. Backend

2.1. MySQL

2.2. Java

3. Frontend

3.1. React JS

3.1.1. ant.design

3.2. Flux

3.3. Webpack

3.4. Bootstrap

4. App

4.1. Notification

4.1.1. pyapns https://github.com/samuraisam/pyapns

4.2. React Native

5. CI/CD

5.1. Unit Test

5.1.1. Jest

5.1.2. Enzyme

5.2. Automation Test

5.3. SonarQube

5.4. Github + Zenhub

5.5. TDD

6. Code quality

6.1. Standard

6.1.1. SOLID https://toidicodedao.com/2015/03/24/solid-la-gi-ap-dung-cac-nguyen-ly-solid-de-tro-thanh-lap-trinh-vien-code-cung/

6.1.2. Design Pattern

6.1.3. Clean Code

6.2. Assurance

6.2.1. Husky

6.2.2. SonarQube

6.2.3. Prettier

7. Speed

7.1. Google Page Speed

7.1.1. Màu xanh lá cây cho home page

7.2. Trải nghiệm trực tiếp

7.2.1. Cảm giác nhanh

7.2.2. Cái bài viết dài, nhiều ảnh, nhúng instagram https://stmcosme-senka.com/stembeaute/

8. SEO

8.1. Web.dev

8.1.1. Phải có màu xanh

9. Language

9.1. redux-i18n

9.1.1. Tiếng Nhật

9.1.2. Tiếng Anh