登録は簡単!. 無料です
または 登録 あなたのEメールアドレスで登録
Kajabi Setup により Mind Map: Kajabi Setup

1. Site Settings

1.1. Marketing settings

1.2. Payment integration setup

1.3. Custom Domain

1.4. Connect to 3rd party applications (email providers, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel)

1.5. Static Pages (your privacy policy, terms & conditions, disclaimers)

2. Website

2.1. Use a Landing page for your home page

2.2. Setup Blog and Blog posts (is using Kajabi as your blog)

2.3. The Library (your members see all the products that they have access to)

2.4. The Store (what the public sees includes all products) OPTIONAL

2.5. Login Screen (where your students/members log in to your site)

3. Decisions before starting

3.1. Will you use Kajabi as your public-facing website?

3.1.1. YES - setup home page and internal pages using Pages

3.1.2. NO - create link from your website to Kajabi site

3.2. Will you blog on your Kajabi site?

3.2.1. YES - setup blog under Website

3.2.2. NO - keep blog on current platform

3.3. Will you use a custom domain?

3.3.1. YES - use the recommended method or Cloudflare to point your domain name to your Kajabi site

3.3.2. NO - your Kajabi site will use "yoursitename.mykajabi.com" as your URL

3.4. Use Stripe or Paypal or both?

3.4.1. BOTH - setup accounts for each and connect through Site Settings - Payment Integrations

3.4.2. PAYPAL ONLY - setup a Paypal BUSINESS account and connect through Site Settings - Payment Integrations

3.4.3. STRIPE ONLY - setup a NEW Stripe account and connect through Site Settings - Payment Integrations

4. Pages

4.1. Use for website pages, sales pages, opt in pages, webinar registrations pages, thank you pages

4.2. All Pipeline pages are here too

5. Products

5.1. Create a product from a Blueprint

5.2. Upload your content

5.3. Create offers for your product (how will it be sold)

6. Marketing

6.1. Create a freebie Pipeline to build your list

6.1.1. Add an automation to the form

6.2. Create email sequences to new subscribers

6.3. Create a form and add automations to tag subscribers and add them to a welcome sequence.

6.4. Use broadcasts to email and nurture your subscribers

7. People

7.1. Create segments of your members for segmenting emails (send them content specific to their interests)

7.2. Create assessments to test your members

7.3. Create affiliates to help sell your products