Monitoring as a tool for improving the quality of preschool education

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Monitoring as a tool for improving the quality of preschool education により Mind Map: Monitoring as a tool for improving the quality of preschool education

1. Monitoring as a tool for improving the quality of preschool education

2. Кequirements of a modern monitoring system

2.1. 1.To have as a basis a system of indicators included in the list of state indicators of the effectiveness of the activities of the executive bodies of the sub-sectors of the Russian Federation and in the system of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of local governments and in the field of education.

2.2. 2.include a system of analytical indicators according to which the Public Report of an educational institution is prepared

2.3. 3.Most of the monitoring indicators should be calculated on the basis of data from the annual state statistical reporting, due to which they will have a high degree of reliability and allow for comparative analysis

2.4. 4.The system for collecting and processing monitoring information should have a low degree of labor intensity, therefore, it must be automated.

2.5. 5.The monitoring system criteria should be well known and easily understood by any worker in the industry.

3. Сonditions necessary for high-quality monitoring

3.1. stability

3.2. long duration

3.3. reliability

3.4. collegiality

3.5. economy

3.6. team interaction

4. Сonstantly systematized information about the results obtained during the monitoring allows us to outline the following steps:

4.1. Create information bank

4.2. outline growth prospects with regard to social and economic efficiency

4.3. sum up the achieved goals

4.4. identify possible deviations from the intended goals depending on the evolving trends

4.5. determine the direction in the activities of the teacher

4.6. determine which management decisions to take for the necessary progress correction