Judge halts construction brasil´s belo monte dan.

belo monte

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Judge halts construction brasil´s belo monte dan. により Mind Map: Judge halts construction brasil´s belo monte dan.

1. Text: Belo monte

2. A Brazilian court has ordered an immediate halt to construction of a controversial hydroelectric dam project in the Amazon.

3. Regional Federal Judge Souza Prudente

3.1. announced by Judge

3.2. construction is ordered suspended until indigenous communities get a say on the matter before congress.

3.3. But lawmakers erred in not seeking input from the indigenous communities

4. Prudente told the state-run Agencia Brasil news agency.

4.1. "The legislation requires consultation (by indigenous communities) prior to a decision by congress (on construction of the dam), and what we have is an attempt after the fact,"

5. If and when it is completed, Belo Monte will be the third-largest dam in the world, after the Three Gorges dam in China and the Itaipu dam on the Brazil/Paraguay border.

5.1. Estimates of the number of people who will be displaced by the construction of the dam range from 19,000 to 40,000.

6. The Belo Monte hydroelectric plant, under construction on the Xingu River, in the state of Pará.

6.1. will be the second largest hydroelectric plant in Brazil, smaller only than Itaipu.

6.2. The projected maximum power generation is 11,233 megawatts (MW)

7. Overview

8. Problem

8.1. environmental impacts

8.2. population must be relocated

8.3. the diffusion of diseases

9. Benefit

9.1. increased energy production in the country

9.2. of a possible energy crisis.

10. Indigenous peoples x the government

11. Curiosity

11.1. The works of the Belo Monte Power Plant, which was idealized in the 1980s

11.2. were interrupted several times since the start of construction in June 2011

11.3. protests and occupations carried out by Indians and environmentalists.

12. Vocabulary

12.1. border: fronteira

12.1.1. seek: buscar

12.1.2. dam: represa

12.2. damage: causar danos a

12.2.1. dictatorship: ditadura

12.3. displace: deslocar , desalojar

12.3.1. err: errar

12.4. flood: inundar

12.4.1. get a say on the matter: poder expressar opiniao sobre o assunto

12.5. halt: parada,interrupção, suspensão

12.5.1. judge: juiz

12.6. lawmaker: deputado/ a e senador(a)

12.6.1. long-brewing: há muito tempo acontecendo e sem solução

12.7. mockery: farsa, zombari

12.7.1. put the cart before the horse: pôr a carroça á frente dos bois