Code-Mixing: Features and Reasons

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Code-Mixing: Features and Reasons により Mind Map: Code-Mixing: Features and Reasons

1. 2. Stressful Situation

1.1. When the speaker is upset, tired or in a stressful situation, uses code mixed variety.

2. 1. Restricted Vocabulary

2.1. Code-mixing takes place when the speaker has restricted vocabulary. When the speaker uses a particular language

3. 1 Preliminaries

3.1. It will be presented data in novels while dealing with the features of code mixing.

3.1.1. special modes and patterns of code-mixing of the selected Indian novels in English India Hindi as its national language and various other regional languages

4. 2 Features of Code-Mixing

4.1. code-mixing takes place at word and phrasal level only

4.2. nouns are the words used in highest numbers as code-mixed words.

4.2.1. K.K who has said (1989:78) “Among single words, nouns outrank all others in frequency of mixing, followed by adjectives, adverbs, and verbs”

4.3. while communicating feelings or message exactly and effectively the speaker makes use of code-mixing

4.3.1. It is not the weakness of the speaker who makes use of code mixing

4.3.2. The speaker conveys the meaning in a more effective way while using code mixing

4.4. A bilingual person, many times uses code-mixed words so easily because there are no equivalent words in other languages.

4.5. Code-mixing is not only a common occurrence but also communicational requirement.

4.5.1. for exact and effective communication

4.6. Code-mixing has become so common because it helps us for effective communication

4.7. There are various reasons of code-mixing

4.8. Code-mixing is one of the commonly observed linguistic behaviours in the speech of bilingual or multilingual speakers

4.9. Code-mixing may cause language change

4.10. The amount of mixing that occurs in a code-mixed variety corresponds to the level of education

4.11. Code mixing involves the embedding or mixing of various units

5. 3 Reasons of Code-Mixing

5.1. There are different reasons of code-mixing

5.1.1. It depends on who is speaking with whom and what is the intention of the speaker

6. 4. To Convey Special Attitude /Emotion

6.1. We use code-mixed variety to convey some special attitude or emotions

7. 3. Habitual Expression

7.1. Many people often mix some words or expressions from another language out of habit. It happens so naturally and easily because of the habit of using such kind of expressions.

8. 7. Profession

8.1. The code-mixing takes place when an attempt is made to highlight the profession of a particular person in relation to the society or class in which he works.

9. 9. To Criticise

9.1. The code-mixed words are very often used to criticize a human being or the society

10. 8. To Show Respect and Relation

10.1. The code-mixed utterances are often used to show respect to a person. The person can be a respected man or ordinary man in the society.

11. 6. Identity Marker

11.1. Code -mixing may be used as a device to mark an identity. It may be used to reveal or conceal region, class, religion, profession etc

12. 5. Mood of the Speaker

12.1. The speaker is sometimes tired, angry, lazy, happy, etc. We can understand the mood of a speaker through his/her use of language.

13. Conclusion

13.1. These features and reasons of code-mixing are very useful for the readers to understand the exact role of code-mixing in the Indian novels written in English

13.2. They play a crucial role in understanding the strategy of code-mixing as they focus on the various aspects and factions of code-mixing