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Professional ethics により Mind Map: Professional ethics

1. Lähteet: Paalanen, T. & Hopia, H. Ethical Questions in Health Care. Viitattu 30.9.2019. https://oppimateriaalit.jamk.fi/ethics/being-a-professional/ Paalanen, T. & Hopia, H. Ethical Questions in Health Care. Viitattu 2.10.2019. https://oppimateriaalit.jamk.fi/ethics/ethical-dilemmas/ Sosiaali- ja terveysalan eettinen perusta. 2011. ETENE -julkaisuja 32. Viitattu 30.9.2019. https://etene.fi/documents/1429646/1559058/ETENE-julkaisuja+32+Sosiaali-+ja+terveysalan+eettinen+perusta.pdf/

2. ethical guidelines ( by ETENE)

2.1. respect for humanrights and fundamental rights

2.1.1. self-determination

2.1.2. equality

2.1.3. non-discrimination

2.1.4. right to privacy

2.2. based on the best intrests of the patients

2.2.1. the right to the necessary care

2.2.2. "doing good and avoiding harm" = benefit / disadvantage

2.2.3. evidence-based knowledge

2.3. interaction

2.3.1. between patients and professionals

2.3.2. between professionals

2.3.3. trust, respect and honesty

2.3.4. mutual commitment

2.4. professional responsibility of the quality of the work

2.4.1. professional skills

2.4.2. quality of care

2.4.3. support from the employer ja work community

2.4.4. professional pride

2.5. responsible decisions and operating culture

2.5.1. the quest for better health ja well-being

2.5.2. employer´s regulations in the line with the ethical guidelines

2.5.3. Assigned resource in realistic ralition to operational requirements

3. values

3.1. of nursing: common rules ja guidelines

3.2. your own personal values: shouldn´t interfere with the patient´t treatment

4. professional role

4.1. awareness of own personal values and attitudes

4.2. attitude, actions and reactions towards patients and clients, but also towards co-workers

4.3. ethical resbonsibility

5. Ethical issues

5.1. can be defined as types of behaviour or phenomena that have the potential to become a problem (Paalanen & Hopia)

6. Ethical problem

6.1. Involves another person´s wel-being

7. Ethical dilemma

7.1. Making difficult moral decision

8. Morality

8.1. Practical approach to ethics: Ethics is the conscious consideration and reflection of morality

9. Perception of right or wrong

9.1. the pursuít to the another person´s best