Internet of Things (IoT)

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Internet of Things (IoT) により Mind Map: Internet of Things (IoT)

1. Trends In IoT

1.1. Businesses Will Get Serious About IoT

1.1.1. In manufacturing, businesses will increasingly see the value in connected machinery that is capable of reporting every detail of its operating parameters and efficiency to other smart, connected devices.

1.2. Devices Will Become More Vocal

1.2.1. We’re getting used to using our voices to control smart home devices

1.3. More Computing Moving to The Edge

2. Practices and Application of IoT

2.1. Infrastructure Management

2.1.1. The IoT infrastructure can be used for monitoring any events or changes in structural conditions that can compromise safety and increase risk.

2.2. manufacturing

2.2.1. IoT helps in digital control systems to automate process, to optimize the plant safety and security are interlinked with the IoT.

2.3. Medical and Health Care

2.3.1. IoT devices can be used to enable remote health monitoring and emergency notification systems.

2.4. Home Automation

2.4.1. Home automation is the residential extension of building automation.

2.5. Energy Management

2.5.1. Integration of sensing and actuation systems, connected to the internet, is likely to optimize energy consumption.

2.6. Media, Entertainment

2.6.1. Application of IoT in media causes to transfer data through cloud from one place to another place,

2.7. Agriculture

2.7.1. Smart devices causes control the water pumps and sprayers are controlled anywhere.

2.8. Security

2.8.1. the security device is operated by a particular person from anywhere through cloud.

2.9. Education

2.9.1. Create new ways for students to learn by supporting more personalized and dynamic learning experiences such as immersive digital textbooks and game based learning.

3. Introduction

3.1. A network of physical objects.

3.2. Machine-to-machine (M2M) is the huge numbers of devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) have to communicate automatically, not via humans.

4. Characteristics

4.1. Interconnectivity

4.1.1. With regard to the IoT, anything can be interconnected with the global information and communication infrastructure.

4.2. Heterogeneity

4.2.1. The devices in the IoT are heterogeneous (various) as based on different hardware platforms and networks. They can interact with other devices or service platforms through different networks.

4.3. Things-related Services

4.3.1. The IoT is capable of providing thing-related services within the constraints of things, such as privacy protection and semantic consistency between physical things and their associated virtual things.

4.4. Safety/Security

4.4.1. IoT devices are naturally vulnerable (exposed) to security threats.

4.4.2. There is a high level of transparency and privacy issues with IoT