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The Digestive System により Mind Map: The Digestive System

1. Esophagus

1.1. Food is transported to the stomach

2. Anus

2.1. Muscular opening where waste is removed

3. Liver

3.1. Secretes bile into the small intestines to help break down fats

4. Large Intestines

4.1. Absorbs water back into blood stream

4.2. Contains bacteria that break down undigested materials and then absorbs them (Vitamins B&K)

5. Mouth

5.1. Chemical & Mechanical digestion

5.2. Teeth break down food

6. Pancreas

6.1. Secretes amylase to break down food in small intestine

6.2. Secrets other enzymes to help in digestion

7. Gallbladder

7.1. Stores bile and secretes it into the small intestines when needed

8. Stomach

8.1. Mechanical & Chemical digestion

8.2. Churn the food

8.3. HCL Kills bacteria

9. Small intestines

9.1. Absorption of nutrients

9.2. Chemical Digestion