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Deep Neck Infection により Mind Map: Deep Neck Infection

1. Most common in adults=odontogenic & salivary sources

2. often no identifiable source

3. most common affected spatial compartments

3.1. retropharyngeal

3.1.1. lymph nodes generally cause of abscess in area

3.1.2. PE:bulging posterior pharyngeal wall

3.2. Parapharyngeal

3.2.1. tumors usually benign

3.2.2. PE:trismus, stiff neck, dysphagia, & poss. drooling

3.3. Submandibular/submental

3.3.1. most common source=odontogenic

4. LABS:

4.1. CBC

4.2. CMP

4.2.1. include CREATININE

4.3. Culture w/ sensitivity if poss.


5.1. inpatient

5.1.1. airway manage

5.1.2. IV antibiotics Ampicillin/Sulbactam w/ Metronidazole or clindamycin

5.2. outpatient

5.2.1. oral abx Clindamycin cefuroxime axetil

5.2.2. consider oral steroids

6. could be life threatening

7. most common site in children is pharynx & tonsils

8. Organisms:

8.1. Bacterial

8.1.1. Gram+,Gram-,aerobic & anaerobic

8.1.2. Strep/Staph

8.1.3. H.influenza

8.1.4. Strep pneum.

8.1.5. Moraxella catarrhalis

8.1.6. Klebsiella

8.1.7. Neisseria

8.1.8. Borrela vincentii


9.1. CT neck w/&w/o contrast

9.2. US-abscess vs cellulitis

9.3. MRI may be limited due to availability