Applying Theoretical Perspective to Curriculum Content

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Applying Theoretical Perspective to Curriculum Content により Mind Map: Applying Theoretical Perspective to Curriculum Content

1. Nativist

1.1. Emphasizes inborn or innate human capabilities

1.2. Noam Chomsky major theorist associated with Nativist perspective

1.2.1. Believed that all people inherently have the capacity to acquire language.

2. Cognitive Development

2.1. Language acquired as maturation occurs and cognitive competencies develop.

2.2. Jean Piaget associated with Cognitive Development

2.2.1. New node

3. Behaviorist

3.1. Emphasize the role of "nurture". Consider children to be born a "blank slate".

3.2. Skinner associated with Behaviorist perspective

4. Interctionist

4.1. Focuses on the primary role of socioculture interaction in children's development of language knowledge.

4.2. Vygotsky associated with Interactionist perspective.